Laguna Supports The NPA 2023 Awareness Lunch

Laguna Real Estate were the Gold Sponsors at the Noosa Prostate Association Awareness Lunch held at the Noosa Surf Club Restaurant last Tuesday the 1st of August 2023.

The ticketed event treated over 300 guests with a three-course meal, entertainment and guest’s speakers were invited to educate and inform on Prostate Cancer and the importance of early detection.

Laguna Real Estate supported this event through marketing, giving away merchandise and the Laguna Staff were heavily involved with the Charity Auction. Olivier Miller, the Principal of Laguna, and her husband Mitch Miller also bid and secured a $3,000 helicopter trip helping with the fundraising on the day.

We are proud to announce that this year’s Awareness Lunch resulted in the NPA raising $270,000 which is the highest amount ever achieved since its inception in 2019. The money raised goes towards funding research, implementing awareness, and educating programs whilst supporting effected families.

Prostate Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer for men in Australia with an estimated 24,000 new cases of Prostate Cancer being diagnosed in 2022. More than 3,500 men die of Prostate Cancer in Australia each year.

With such high statistics the team at Laguna Real Estate believe their involvement and positive contribution is imperative and maybe instrumental in saving the lives of many men in our community.

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